Evidence-Based Practice: Illustrating Critical Appraisal  
Describes the process of critical appraisal in evidence-based practice for clinicians working with children and families who have experienced trauma. This resource is a companion to be used along with the NCTSN’s Evidence-Based Practice Position Statement. Additional guidance and resources are available in the NCTSN Position Statement on Prerequisite Clinical Competencies for Implementing Effective, Trauma-informed Intervention.

TOOLCIT Curriculum for Learning Collaborative Facilitators
No matter the scope or topic of your training initiative, the ultimate goal of the training effort is to assure that agencies and care providers are able to sustainably implement the new treatment or practice into the continuum of care they provide to children and families. This course supports NCTSN sites as they implement, spread, and sustain evidence-based treatments, practices, interventions, and system changes to organizations that serve children and families who have experienced trauma. The curriculum is aimed at those directing, leading, advising, or serving as faculty for any collaborative implementation initiative including Learning Collaboratives, Learning Communities, and Breakthrough Series Collaboratives.

2023 Annual Webinar Series: Racial Trauma Among Asian American and Asian Immigrant (AAAI) Communities
Is a 3-part series that aims to discuss and address the impact of AAAI hate and how we can better support AAAI communities. Anti-Asian hate crimes have risen dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic, between March 2020 and March 2022. However, racism, prejudice, and acts of hate and violence towards AAAI communities have historically existed ever since members of these communities first began immigrating to the United States. Racial stress and trauma can be caused by direct or indirect exposures to racism throughout one’s lifetime and is influenced by an accumulation of unavoidable exposures to racism across generations, communities, and history. The first webinar and panel discussion in this series aim to further explore the historical context of AAAI hate, its connection to current events, as well as the impact of AAAI hate and racial trauma on the mental health of youth and families.

IRC 2023 Emergency Watchlist
Provides a unique lens to understand the global humanitarian situation. The Emergency Watchlist report is the IRC’s assessment of the 20 countries at greatest risk of new humanitarian emergency each year. For the past decade, this report has helped the IRC determine where to focus our emergency preparedness efforts, successfully predicting on average 85-95% of the 20 countries facing the worst deteriorations.


Addressing Grief Reactions Among Incarcerated Adolescents and Young Adults Using Trauma And Grief Component Therapy authored by Shannon Clow, Erna Olafson, Julian Ford, Michelle Moser, Michelle Slivinsky & Julie Kaplow, determines whether male adolescents incarcerated in a juvenile justice facility would participate in and benefit from a grief-focused, evidence-based group treatment program. Few studies have examined the effectiveness of evidence-based, grief focused treatments for incarcerated adolescents, although these youths are reported to experience higher rates of bereavement than those in the general population.

Written by Ryan M. Hill, Benjamin Oosterhoff, Cheryl A. King, & Julie B. Kaplow, Open Trial Of A Brief, Web-Assisted Behavioral Intervention To Reduce Thwarted Belongingness And Suicidal Ideation Among Adolescents studies the Supporting Grieving Teens (SGT) programme which was created as a preventive intervention to reduce suicide risk among bereaved youth. Bereavement during childhood is associated with elevated rates of suicide-related behaviours among youth. However, no interventions explicitly address suicidal ideation among bereaved youth. 




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This project was funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The views, policies, and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA or HHS.

