During a public health emergency, children, families, communities, and the providers that serve these populations are all vulnerable to the effects of secondary traumatic stress (STS) and burnout. Understanding the signs (self-assessment) and learning and utilizing targeted coping strategies can help child-serving professionals mitigate the risks of secondary trauma. The NCTSN offers secondary traumatic stress and self-care resources to help professionals across child-serving systems manage the traumatic stress reactions they may experience while helping others. For more information on secondary traumatic stress, visit: https://bit.ly/2ABxxwm
Keeping Yourself and Your Kids Safe and Healthy in the Pandemic: Tips for Judges, Legal Professionals, and Court Personnel
Offers helpful questions about safety that judges, legal professionals, and court personnel can ask themselves regarding their work and their personal lives. This fact sheet also provides basic steps to help youth handle stress during COVID-19, as well as do's and don'ts for working with children and families in a pandemic.
Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) Field Operations Guide
Gives guidance on responding to disaster, violence, or terrorism events using the Skills for Psychological Recovery intervention. This approach helps to assist children, adolescents, adults, and families in the aftermath of disaster and terrorism. The manual includes in-depth information about each of the six core skills and accompanying handouts for survivors. This resource is also available in multiple languages including, Swedish, Japanese, Norwegian, and Finnish.
PFA-S: Provider Self-Care
A handout from Psychological First Aid for Schools (PFA-S) Field Operations Guide, PFA-S: Provider Self-Care offers providers information about stress reactions they may experience when providing support in the immediate aftermath of a crisis and ideas for self-care.
Emotional Challenges and Self-Care for Those Working with Young Traumatized Children
This webinar discusses the emotional challenges providers face when working with children who have experienced trauma and the importance of identifying and implementing effective self-care strategies for addressing these challenges.
Secondary Traumatic Stress Series
Addresses the complex impact of secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout. This webinar series offers prevention and intervention strategies for various levels within an organization and is intended for frontline workers, administrators, disaster response workers, mental health providers, child welfare workers, supervisors, teachers, and a general audience. This series also includes an STS introduction webinar in Spanish.
Secondary Traumatic Stress: A Fact Sheet for Child-Serving Professionals
Offers child-serving professionals information about secondary traumatic stress. This fact sheet describes how individuals experience STS, understanding who is at risk, how to identify STS, strategies for risk reduction and intervention, and essential elements to manage STS responses.
Understanding Secondary Traumatic Stress for CAC Workers
Offers child advocacy center (CAC) workers fundamental information about secondary traumatic stress. This fact sheet gives CAC workers guidance on understanding STS, who is impacted, and what CACs can do to address it.
Secondary Traumatic Stress: A Fact Sheet for Organizations Employing Community Violence Workers
Provides community violence workers with information about secondary traumatic stress. This fact sheet discusses how to identify it, how workers experience it, organizational responsibility to address STS in community violence workers, understanding who is at risk, and strategies to prevent or reduce STS.
Addressing Secondary Traumatic Stress Among Child Welfare Staff
Focuses on addressing secondary traumatic stress experienced by child welfare staff, easing children’s transitions into foster care, and working with parents who have been impacted by trauma. These briefs, developed by The ACS-NYU Children’s Trauma Institute, are for child welfare providers and other stakeholders seeking to develop trauma-informed practice.