The last year has posed many unique challenges for children who have experienced trauma across the US. Child-serving professionals have had to make continuous and considerable changes to better serve them all while navigating their own professional and personal stressors. For many child-serving professionals, listening to children's trauma experiences can take an emotional toll on their professional and personal life. However, understanding the signs and utilizing both organizational and personal secondary trauma prevention strategies can help child-serving professionals mitigate its risks. The NCTSN offers self-care and secondary traumatic stress resources to help professionals across child-serving systems manage the stress reactions they may experience while helping others.

Taking Care of Yourself
Offers providers a list of self-care strategies that they can use to help determine how they feel, restore balance, and build connections after a difficult event.

Pause-Reset-Nourish (PRN)* to Promote Well-being: Use as Needed to Care for Your Wellness!
Provides information about the specific self-care strategy of Pause-Reset-Nourish, or PRN. This fact sheet acknowledges the levels of stress that professionals may be experiencing and offers a way to address unwanted symptoms, promote and replenish well-being and enhance resilience.

Self-Care for Educators
Highlights tips educators who work directly with children and families who have experienced trauma can use to mitigate the effects of secondary trauma.

PFA-S: Provider Self-Care
Offers providers information about stress reactions they may experience when providing support in the immediate aftermath of a crisis and ideas for self-care.

Emotional Challenges and Self-Care for Those Working with Young Traumatized Children
Discusses the emotional challenges providers face when working with children who have experienced trauma and the importance of identifying and implementing effective self-care strategies for addressing these challenges.

Secondary Traumatic Stress Series
Addresses the complex impact of secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout. This webinar series offers prevention and intervention strategies for various levels within an organization and is intended for frontline workers, administrators, disaster response workers, mental health providers, child welfare workers, supervisors, teachers, and a general audience.


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This project was funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The views, policies, and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA or HHS.