Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Semi-Structured Interview and Observational Record [1]
Semi-structured caregiver report measure used to assess PTSD in children 0-7 years of age. The measure assesses whether the child has experienced 11 specific traumas or an alternative trauma; and collects data regarding the first occurrence, last occurrence, and the number of times the event occurred. It includes questions for caregivers and collection of information for observation of the child during the interview.
It also includes a section for measuring functional impairment and distress, which are additional components needed for making a diagnosis. The interview provides diagnostic information based on the DSM-IV.
This interview has been used in a series of studies that have proposed and validated a set of diagnostic criteria that is a developmentally sensitive alternative to the DSM-IV. Clinicians who are interested in the DC: 0-3 definition of PTSD may find this measure useful because the DC: 0-3 criteria were based on this work. A diagnosis can also be made using the empirically validated alternative algorithm for young children.