Why should my organization consider implementing the NCTSN TIOA?
Measure your organization's trauma-informed practices
Bring to light important areas for your organization to address related to trauma-informed practice
Identify strengths and build on the expertise already available within the organization
Create a roadmap for organizational change related to anti-racist trauma-informed practice
Integrate anti-racist principles within trauma-informed practice
Establish a common language around anti-racist trauma-informed practices within your organization and your broader community of child- and family-serving agencies
Identify resources to help your organization better serve children and families who have experienced trauma and support staff working with children and families
Elevate the importance of partnering with youth and families
Assess progress and improvement over time
Maintain a sustainable and continuous focus on the need to become an anti-racist trauma-informed organization
1Halladay Goldman, J., Purbeck Trunzo, C., and Agosti, J. (2019). NCTSN Trauma-Informed Organizational Assessment. Los Angeles, CA, and Durham, NC: National Center for Child Traumatic Stress.