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NCTSN Resources

All NCTSN resources on Terrorism and Violence are available here.

NCTSN Resource

Talking to Children about War

Type: Fact Sheet

Offers information for caregivers on how to talk to children about war. This fact sheet includes the potential impact and considerations when talking to children about war, how to start the conversation, understanding media coverage, and how to foster resilience. Updated 2023.

NCTSN Resource

Coping After Mass Violence

Type: Fact Sheet

Offers information on coping after mass violence. This fact sheet provides common reactions children and families may be experiencing after a mass violence event, as well as what they can do to take care of themselves. 

NCTSN Resource

Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos

Type: e-Learning Course

Los Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos constituyen un enfoque modular basado en la evidencia y cuyo objetivo es ayudar a niños, adolescentes, adultos y familias a afrontar las consecuencias inmediatas de desastres o actos de terrorismo.

NCTSN Resource

Talking with your Children about Islamophobia and Hate-Based Violence

Type: Fact Sheet

Discusses Islamophobia and hate-based violence against Muslims, highlights strategies that parents and caregivers can usd to facilitate effective conversations, offers age-specific guidelines, and provides actions families and communities can take before an event occurs.

NCTSN Resource

NCTSN Impact Newsletter: Summer 2019

Type: Newsletter

Offers a glimpse into the diverse work that our Network members do. In this vein, we profile one of our long-time members, Alicia F. Lieberman, PhD, a child mental health pioneer, as well as Rebecca Frances Hoffmann, an active Affiliate member.
