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The intervention fact sheets linked from this page offer descriptive summaries of some of the interventions developed and/or implemented by members of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. This list does not present a comprehensive catalog of all relevant interventions developed and available for treating child traumatic stress.

For many interventions, the developer of the treatment or service approach has also provided a culture-specific summary, outlining how the intervention has been adapted for and used with various cultural groups. Training Guidelines are also provided for many interventions, specifying training requirements, recommendations, minimum standards, and other considerations for those seeking to learn a new intervention or practice.

Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up

Individual, Family

ABC is a parent/child treatment approach designed to help caregivers provide nurturing care and engage in synchronous interactions with their infants. ABC helps caregivers re-interpret children's behavioral signals so that they can provide nurturance through parent coaching sessions.

Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competence: A Comprehensive Framework

Individual, Systems

ARC is a core components model for treatment of complex traumatic stress in children, adolescents, and caregivers. Designed to translate across service systems, ARC addresses the developmental impacts of complex trauma in childhood, and works to support the core facilitators of resilience.

Care Process Model for Pediatric Traumatic Stress


CPM is a brief screening and response protocol guiding the identification of, and response to, traumatic stress in children seen in healthcare and other pediatric settings, such as primary care clinics and Children’s Advocacy Centers.

Child Adult Relationship Enhancement

Family, Systems

CARE is a trauma-informed set of skills that can be used by any adult in any setting who interacts with children and teens who have experienced trauma. It is based on several evidence-based parenting programs, including PCIT, Incredible Years, Helping the Non-compliant Child, and PMTO.

Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention

Individual, Family, Systems

CFTSI is a brief (5‐8 session), evidence‐based early intervention for children 7 to 18 years old that reduces traumatic stress reactions and the onset of PTSD. CFTSI is implemented within 30-45 days following a traumatic event or the disclosure of physical or sexual abuse.

Child Development-Community Policing Program

Individual, Family, Systems

CDCP is a model of secondary prevention that provides crisis intervention and follow-up community- and clinic-based clinical and collaborative interventions for exposed children.

Child-Parent Psychotherapy

Individual, Family, Systems

CPP is an intervention model for children aged 0-6 who have experienced at least one traumatic event and/or are experiencing mental health, attachment, and/or behavioral problems, including posttraumatic stress disorder.

Culturally Modified Trauma-Focused Treatment

Individual, Family

CM-TFT is a culturally adapted intervention based on Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It maintains the key components of standard TF-CBT with the addition of modules integrating cultural concepts throughout treatment. It was developed for use with Latino children.
