All Measure Reviews

This database includes reviews of tools that measure children's experiences of trauma, their reactions to it, and other mental health and trauma-related issues.
This searchable database contains detailed reviews of measures utilized in the field of child traumatic stress, designed to allow comparison across measures. Users can access comprehensive clinical and research information to determine whether a measure is appropriate for a specific individual or group, while considering factors such as the purpose of the assessment, age, cultural and linguistic group, and trauma type. Tools reviewed include those that measure children's experiences of trauma, their reactions to it, and other mental health and trauma-related issues. The NCTSN is not able to provide free copies of all measures, nor do we include links for free inspection copies; contact information to inquire about or obtain the measure is listed within the review when it is available.
This database includes reviews of tools that measure children's experiences of trauma, their reactions to it, and other mental health and trauma-related issues.
The goal of the NCTSN Measures Review Database is to provide easy access to comprehensive clinical and research information to determine whether a measure is appropriate.