Ensures that organization leadership has basic knowledge of implementation science principles, understands their role, and has the capacity and skill to play that role is critical in any implementation collaborative.
Gives an overview of the purpose and utility of the CANS-Trauma Comprehensive as an innovative, trauma-informed assessment strategy.
Identifies key components of clinical assessment for child physical abuse.
Discusses how to recognize the uniqueness of the loss and grief American Indian children and communities experience. This webinar is framed within the context of intergenerational trauma, grief, and loss.
Discusses important policy issues related to the delivery of trauma-informed evidence-based care to children and families affected by traumatic events.
Discusses the implications of the changes in the DSM-5 as they relate to young children.
Provides information about polyvictimization and resources for those working with children and adults in child welfare, medical, mental health, and educational settings.
Identifies principles and strategies for effective implementation of trauma-focused, evidence-based practices in school settings.
Provides a trauma-informed integrated healthcare model for conceptualizing young children exposed to violence and other traumatic stressors.
Reports findings from research on crossover youth.