Offers parents and caregivers a brief checklist to use to determine if a complete assessment for complex trauma should be scheduled. This fact sheet will help parents and caregivers determine when to seek professional help.
Provides information to help youth practice self-care. This fact sheet includes information on what it means to take care of yourself, as well as recommended hotlines and conversation starters.
Provides the summary results of a 2016 NCTSN member survey about financial sustainability.
Informs policymakers and the public about the costs of child trauma, child maltreatment, and adversity.
Addresses several local, state, and federal policy issues. This webinar series includes presentations from key policy experts, NCTSN members, affiliates, and partners who have played a leadership role in child trauma policy efforts.
Defines trauma in the early years and discusses the sources of traumatic events.
Reviews findings of the National Commission on Children and Disasters, an independent, bipartisan body established by Congress and the President to identify gaps in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery for children and to make recommendat
Gives information on child traumatic stress, how child traumatic stress can derail development, the effects of childhood trauma, and what the NCTSN is doing to support children and families who have experienced trauma.
Operates a Hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) to report child sexual exploitation or if you have seen a missing child.