Offers caregivers advice on helping children deal with the complex emotions that arise when the death of family member or other important person in a child's life is suspected, but not confirmed.
Describes Oklahoma’s journey in creating a trauma-informed state.
Provides an orientation to Alternatives for Families: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT) and is intended to provide an introduction to the model for clinicians who wish to learn more about it.
Discusses ongoing efforts and research to address trauma, grief, and loss in the military community, including a look at the VA's suicide prevention programs.
Discusses the stigma around Latinos seeking mental health treatment.
Raises awareness and understanding of issues related to implementation of evidence-based practices within mental health organizations.
Discusses the trauma treatment needs of rural youth and families.
Offers information on integrated care approaches to supporting children and families dealing with traumatic stress and chronic health conditions.
Teaches how to stay focused while respecting a client and family's values in their home.
Brings together some of the foremost experts in the field of childhood trauma to offer a grounding in theory, research, assessment, and treatment.