Features 17-year-old Terrell, who is in his fourth therapy session—a teletherapy meeting with Dr. Wizdom Powell.
Offers information, from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, about child sexual abuse material (CSAM).
Provides information about human trafficking including warning signs, definitions, recruitment, and other topics related to human trafficking.
Summarize key areas of implementation science, the NCTSN’s role in implementation, lessons learned, and a call to action for the Summit and beyond.
Features Mr. Smith, a 27-year-old single father who works full-time as a health worker. He and his fiancé would like full custody of his 7-year-old son, Samuel.
Provides a list of common misconceptions about child sex trafficking and uses facts to address those misconceptions.
Offers information about the experiences of youth who have been trafficked. This fact sheet provides lists of experiences that youth may have endured prior to being trafficked, while being trafficked, and/or after being trafficked.
Discusses the complex interplay of societal, community, relationship, and individual factors that increase a youth's risk of being trafficked.
Introduces Miguel, a 17-year-old with a history of truancy, fighting, and multiple arrests since the age of 14— around the time his mother passed away from cancer.
Presents a formal model based on a “matrix” of TF-CBT steps and will also provide recommendations for treatment structure, process, and supplemental resources from the IDD/autism literature.