Offers military parents information about military youth suicide.
Offers military parents and caregivers information about child trauma and resilience. This fact sheet includes information about what traumatic experiences are, how they impact military families, and common reactions children or teens may have.
Outlines the causes and consequences of child abuse. This video describes how family-focused interventions can help families make a new beginning.
Provides military parents and caregivers with several ways to mitigate the negative effects of deployment including maintaining well-being, fostering positive family dynamics, and using effective parenting strategies.
Introduces participants to child abuse and neglect in military families. This webinar discusses in particular the community and military partnerships to help military families.
Offers information on military children who are grieving the loss of a loved one. This tip sheet describes how military children dealing with trauma and grief responses may be feeling and what parents can do to help.
Outlines the feelings of young children struggling with the death of someone meaningful and offers suggestions on what caregivers can do to help.
Offers information on military children who are grieving the loss of a loved one. This tip sheet describes how military children dealing with trauma and grief responses may be feeling and what educators and school staff can do to help.
Describes the development of the Military Kids Connect website and use of technology to support military children.
Provides activities designed to help military families navigate the often complex layers of Native, military, and other identities.