Highlights key findings and offers effective and promising engagement strategies that support families' healing. This webinar discusses strength building in the aftermath of trauma exposure.
Discusses polyvictimization as it relates to the commercial sexual exploitation of boys and adolescent males. This webinar describes unique issues for both runaway and "throwaway" youth, as well as implications for contracting HIV.
Describes risk factors for and signs of secondary traumatic stress in educators, as well as techniques for prevention and self-care.
Discusses trauma-informed assessment in schools, differential diagnosis, and trauma-informed IEPs (Individualized Education Plans).
Guides participants in understanding the Defending Childhood Initiative and its policy implications for the child trauma field.
Discusses how providers have worked with branches of our country's military to promote the well being of young children in military families.
Describes how best to prepare our children for emergencies. This webinar discusses how to prepare for events from a community preparedness and resilience standpoint, as well as emergency preparedness within school settings.
Discusses the intervention Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS).
Addresses the issues facing poor, urban, African American children who deal with traumatic stress. The webinar discusses how conceptions of race and racism have an impact on these children and their families.
Presents issues related to trauma in Latino and Hispanic populations.