Discusses strategies to engage Latino clients in Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) treatment.
Provides an overview of Integrative Treatment of Complex Trauma (ITCT). This webinar discusses dealing with triggered symptoms in ITCT-A.
Defines the elements of a trauma-informed child welfare system.
Presents three experienced clinician-researchers in the field of child traumatic stress highlighting the developmental impact of child trauma on early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence.
Describes the impact of traumatic separation, attachment, and attachment disruption on children and adolescents.
Acquaints clinicians and researchers with issues relevant to working with children who have experienced multiple traumatic events.
Provides an overview of how working with bereaved young children affects a therapist.
Discusses the unique characteristics of young children in foster care as they recover from abuse and neglect.
Discusses the reasoning and importance of including a family in trauma-informed care.
Is an abridged version of the opening plenary from the 2015 NCTSN Implementation Summit. This webinar discusses questions addressed in the plenary that permeated throughout each of three Summit tracks.