Provides staff in child-serving systems with best practices for trauma screening.
The Family Acceptance Project® is a research, intervention, education and policy initiative to prevent health and mental health risks and to promote well-being for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer-identified (LGBTQ) children and youth, including...
This website is a collaboration between the Family Acceptance Project® (FAP) and the Innovations Institute to increase family and community support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer-identified (LGBTQ) children and youth to decrease health and mental health risks and...
Is a professional membership organization on a mission to make one big difference, one child at a time.
Provides an interactive map and directory of 1000+ Child Advocacy Centers across the United States. This tool is available to anyone who wants to find their local CAC.
Serves as a model for the 1,100+ Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) now operating in the United States and in more than 41 countries throughout the world.
Works hard every day to prevent child abuse and neglect before it happens.
Includes resources to help people who are living with suicide loss.