Provides parents and caregivers with information about a child disclosing sexual abuse.
Provides information to teens about sexual abuse. This fact sheet describes what sexual abuse is, how common it is, myths and facts about sexual abuse, and where to go for help.
Offers information to parents and caregivers about child sexual abuse and coping with the emotional stress of the legal system.
Works hard every day to prevent child abuse and neglect before it happens.
Discusses prevention and intervention strategies for child sexual abuse. This webinar gives ways to help prevent child sexual abuse, as well as intervention strategies upon disclosure.
Defines and answers commonly-asked questions about child sexual abuse. This fact sheet outlines myths and facts about child sexual abuse and provides tips to help protect children.
Provides educators and school staff information on the challenges that occur when there is an allegation of educator abuse.
Addresses the response to child sexual abuse. This webinar series provides information about special populations, secondary traumatic stress among providers, and collaborations with the media, among other topics.
Offers information regarding child sex trafficking to child welfare professionals.
Proporciona información a padres y cuidadores sobre cuando un niño revela un abuso sexual.