Defines CSEC and the scope of the problem of the commercial sexual exploitation of both girls and young women in the US.
Provides an overview of current issues, challenges, and emerging practices facing child welfare jurisdictions as it relates to children who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation.
Outlines and describes a range of points that practitioners and agencies should consider as they strive to assess, understand, and assist trauma-exposed children, families, and communities in trauma-informed ways.
Overviews issues related to human trafficking that have received legislative action or were of significant interest during the 114th Congress.
Gives examples of state and federal policy issues related to child sex trafficking. This webinar provides an overview of activities and resources related to child sex trafficking.
Looks back at Jordyn. Since disclosing her sexual exploitation experiences in a previous session, Jordyn continues to attend therapy sessions to address her distress symptoms; depression and PTSD.
Describes how the impact and consequences of COVID-19 increase the risk of involvement in sex or labor trafficking. This fact sheet offers infromation on what you can do as a provider and how to support yourself.
Offers information, from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, about child sexual abuse material (CSAM).
Provides information about human trafficking including warning signs, definitions, recruitment, and other topics related to human trafficking.