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Network Members

This listing of NCTSN members includes current grantees as well as NCTSN Affiliates, former grantees who have maintained their ties to the Network.

Gahr, Jessica, MA

Individual Affiliate

Jessica Gahr is a treatment clinician at the SAFE program. Jessica works primarily with court-involved children and adolescents who have engaged in problematic sexual behaviors. She values open communication and family-involvement when providing services.


Gardner, Sarah

Individual Affiliate - Maryland

Sarah A. Gardner, M.S.W. is the Director of Clinical Services at the Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress at Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. Ms. Gardner has over 30 years of experience with direct service, supervision, consultation, emergency management, program development and administration in an urban mental health clinic serving traumatized children and families. Ms. Gardner's primary areas of expertise are intergenerational trauma patterns and engaging families from racially, ethnically and economically marginalized populations. Ms. Gardner developed FamilyLive, an innovative family therapy model which helps caregivers with unresolved trauma histories develop parenting skills. Ms. Gardner, co-chair emeritus of NCTSN's Partnering with Youth and Families Committee, has led national efforts and developed numerous  resources to reduce  barriers to and increase engagement with mental health services through consumer provider partnerships.   

Baltimore , MD
(443) 923-5957

Garst, Lynn, MEd

Individual Affiliate - Colorado

Lynn Garst, M.Ed. currently works as the Pediatric Disaster Coordinator in the Office of Emergency Preparedness and Response at the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment. He also serves as the Director of Emergency Preparedness for the Center for Resilience and Wellbeing in Schools at the University of Colorado, an NCTSN Category II site. He was the Principal Investigator for a Category III site at the Mental Health Center of Denver and remains an active affiliate member of the NCTSN.

Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment Loveland , CO
(303) 941-0247

Georgia Center for Child Advocacy

Community Treatment and Services Centers - Category III - Georgia
Funding Period:
2012-2016, 2016-2021, 2021-2026

Project Intersect aims to improve the well-being of children and adolescents who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking (CSET) or are at high risk of CSET through the provision of high-quality trauma-focused, evidence-based treatment. The project seeks to increase its network of mental health providers trained in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and advanced TF-CBT for youth experiencing CSET. Additionally, Project Intersect will collaborate with multiple NCTSN category II sites to deliver enhanced TF-CBT applications at the intersection of CSET, racial trauma, and substance use problems. Project Intersect also provides support and training to systems and individuals intersecting with youth experiencing CSET including child welfare/foster care, CSET residential programs in Georgia, as well as caregivers. CSET awareness training is also provided to professionals and community members across the state to better identify youth experiencing CSET and connect them with trauma-informed and evidence-based treatment, services, and supports.

680 Murphy Avenue NW, #5091
Atlanta , GA 30310

Georgia State University

Treatment and Services Adaptation Centers - Category II - Georgia
Funding Period:

The National Center on Child Trafficking (NCCT) is a collaboration of professionals who use a science-driven approach to guide the development, adaptation, implementation and evaluation of trauma-focused interventions and resources to improve the lives of children and families impacted by commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking for sex and labor (CSET). The NCCT will (1) develop and disseminate national practice standards and consensus guidelines for Mental Health treatment crosscutting Evidence-based Practices, (2) deliver and evaluate training of TF-CBT for CSET and develop resources for therapists and trainers to enhance dissemination  and service delivery, (3) develop and disseminate standards, guidelines, and training addressing co-occurring trauma and substance use problems and integrate the guidelines into an existing evidence-based trauma and substance use treatment (Risk Reduction through Family Therapy), (4) adapt and disseminate training  in trauma-informed parenting, the Resource Parent Curriculum, adapted for youth who have experienced CSET, (5) adapt and disseminate training in trauma-informed residential care, Think Trauma. for staff at targeted CSET congregate care/residential treatment placements, (6) develop and disseminate resources for MDT and CSET specialist professionals, including practice guidelines and training curricula (FORECAST) incorporating CSET response, (7) develop Secondary Traumatic Stress/Compassion Satisfaction awareness materials and strategies and disseminate to professionals serving youth who have experienced CSET.

14 Marietta St. NW
Atlanta , GA 30303

Gilbert Reyes

Individual Affiliate

Gil Reyes (he/him), PhD, was born and raised in California, where he lived until he finished college at University of California Santa Barbara. Before switching his major to psychology, Gil was involved in the performing arts as an actor, director, and musician/vocalist. His interests in psychology focus on human development (especially attachment theory and behavior) and emotional disturbance (especially trauma). Gil completed his doctorate at the University of Colorado with a dissertation examining the intersection of trauma, attachment security, shame, and sensitivity to rejection. Upon graduating, he began a tenure-track academic appointment in the Disaster Mental Health Institute within the Clinical Psychology Program at the University of South Dakota. There he remained for 6 years, became married to his wonderful spouse (April), gained wonderful maturational experiences, and was awarded tenure and promotion to Associate Professor. Gil moved back to Santa Barbara in 2005 and worked as an Associate Dean in the School of Psychology at Fielding Graduate University until 2013. Since then, he has mainly worked as a consultant, except for a brief stint as Behavioral Health Director for a Native American tribal government. Gil began his involvement with NCTSN when he was a co-investigator for the Terrorism and Disaster Center at the University of Oklahoma. He has contributed to a number of projects and training programs through the NCCTS at UCLA, and recently joined the Louisiana State University’s Terrorism and Disaster Center (TDC-4). He also has been among a NCTSN Affiliate Members for several years and is currently serving on the Affiliate Advisory Group.


Giovanni, Kalie, LCSW

Individual Affiliate - Georgia

Kalie Giovanni is a licensed clinical social worker who maintains a private practice in Atlanta, while also providing consultation and program development for organizations. She began her work with NCTSN through CHRIS 180 in Atlanta in 2017. She specializes in affirming care for the LGBTQIA+ community as well as transgender / gender expansive youth and adults and their families. Kalie's expertise focuses on program implementation, foster and adoptive care, and creating opportunities to hold space and conversation about identity, culture, and community with staff and clients. She has presented locally and nationally about affirming care for LGBTQ+ youth, trans and gender diverse youth, and the intersection of LGBTQ+ youth and caregivers within the child welfare system. Her work stems from ecological, attachment, and psychodynamic theories, while building off of strength based, harm reduction, and family focused practice. She focuses on intersectionality and challenging oppressive systems, while highlighting LGBTQ affirming care through her work. Kalie is a certified Cognitive Based Compassion Teacher through the Emory Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics. She is a certified trainer of Together Facing the Challenge (TFTC) and the Attachment, Regulation and Competency (ARC) Framework. She remains involved with NCTSN activities to promote the use of evidenced-based trauma treatment for children and their families. Outside of work, Kalie is usually caring for her own family and menagerie of pets. When she has a moment to sit down she enjoys a good science fiction novel or paging through recipe books of meals she will never make.

Kalie JL Giovanni, LLC - Affirming Care & Consulting Mableton , GA

Goldman Fraser, Jenifer

Individual Affiliate - Massachusetts

Jenifer Goldman Fraser was the former PI for the Boston site of the Early Trauma Treatment Network, the Child Witness to Violence Project at Boston Medical Center. in that capacity, Jenifer served as faculty for the senior leadership track for Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) Learning Collaboratives in Massachusetts where she developed a CPP sustainability tool. Jenifer is now the Senior Research Analyst and Program Development Specialist for ZERO TO THREE's Infant-Toddler Court Program, a national initiative to support implementation of infant-toddler court teams in jurisdictions across the United States funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration Maternal and Child Health Bureau. She recently co-authored a set of online learning modules on enhanced practices for judges and attorneys to meet the needs of very young children involved with child welfare services that will be available on the Child Welfare Information Gateway Learning Center in early 2019. She produced a module on parent trauma and on building a trauma-responsive court for the online curriculum. Additionally, Jenifer was the PI for the first comparative effectiveness review of interventions for children exposed to trauma, conducted under the auspices of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Effective Health Care Program and which used exhaustive systematic review methodology to assess the strength of the evidence in support of interventions. 

(202) 864-2952

Goldsmith, Douglas, Ph.D.

Individual Affiliate - Utah

Dr. Douglas Goldsmith was the Executive Director of The Children's Center, a private not for profit mental health agency in Salt Lake City, Utah from 1995 until 2018 when he entered private practice. During his tenure he lead the agency to secure NSTSN membership in 2009 and 2012. Those 7 years with NCTSN transformed The Children's Center into a truama center for families in Salt Lake City. The clinical team received intensive training in TF -CBT, CPP, and ARC. He lectured clinicians throughout the state on how to recognize and treat trauma in very young children. And in 2017 he was asked by the Lieutenant Governor of the state to chair a committee responsible for creating a roadmap to make Utah a trauma informed state. Dr. Goldsmith is an expert in the area of attachment and co-edited a book titled, "Attachment Theory in Clinical Work with Children". His clinical work focuses on the intersection between attachment and trauma and treatment implications for young children. He is frequently asked to provide expert witness testimony on the impact of trauma on young children exposed to high conflict divorce, accidents, and refugee status. He continues to provide trauma treatment to families and children from toddlers through teens in his private practice.

Salt Lake City , UT
(801) 231-3518

Goodman, Robin F., PhD, ATR-BC

Individual Affiliate - New York

Robin Goodman is Associate Director of Public Education and Bereavement at Child HELP Partnership, St. John's University. As consultant to the Allegheny General Hospital Center for Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents, she focuses on childhood traumatic grief-related activities and NCTSN projects. Dr. Goodman was Executive Director and Program Director of A Caring Hand, Founded in Memory of Billy Esposito and has also been a consultant for the Department of Defense Educational Opportunities Directorate and for the NCTSN. Previously, as director of bereavement programs at the NYU Child Study Center, an NCTSN grantee, she co-directed a clinical and research program for bereaved 9/11 families.

303 Fifth Ave. Suite 806
New York , NY 10003
(212) 388-1599
