Kirsch-Ito, Micha

Individual Affiliate - New York

Micha Kirsch-Ito (he/they/we) is an artist and radical healer from Philadelphia, PA/Susquehannock and Delaware land. Their focus is gender decolonized and gender affirming care as trauma-informed care and institutional change. Currently, he works at Vibrant Emotional Health in the Equity & Belonging Department.

Vibrant Emotional Health New York , NY

Kiser, Laurel, PhD, MBA

Individual Affiliate - Florida

Laurel J. Kiser, Ph.D., M.B.A. is a psychologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine. Dr. Kiser served as School of Medicine Principal Investigator of the Family Informed Trauma Treatment (FITT) Center, a National Child Traumatic Stress Network Category II Center, from 2007-2022. Dr. Kiser has expertise in the development and provision of interventions for children and families living in under-resourced, minoritized communities. She is the lead author of the conceptual model of complex trauma in families.  Partnering with Charles Figley, she co-authored the second edition of Helping Traumatized Families. Her articles appear frequently in the professional literature, and she is a regular presenter and invited lecturer at national conferences. Dr. Kiser received support from the National Institute of Mental Health and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to develop family-based interventions to address the high rates of trauma exposure and the prevalence of trauma-related disorders in highly vulnerable families.  Strengthening Family Coping Resources: Intervention for Families Impacted by Trauma is the culmination of her 30+ years working to address the needs of this highly impacted population. She has established the non-profit Center for Strengthening Family Coping Resources to sustain the model.

Center for Strengthening Family Coping Resources, Inc. Sarasota , FL
(443) 421-3873

Kletzka, Nicole, PhD

Individual Affiliate - Michigan

Nicole Taylor Kletzka Ph.D., DBT-LBC, has been a Forensic Psychologist at the Center for Forensic Psychiatry in Saline, Michigan for over a decade.  She is a Treatment Services Manager, Student Practicum Coordinator, and DBT Team Leader.  Dr. Kletzka completed the Linehan Board of Certification process in 2015 and joined Behavioral Tech as a contractual DBT trainer in 2016. In that role, she has trained and consulted with several system implementation projects across the country.  She also developed and implemented a center-wide DBT program at the CFP.  Dr. Kletzka previously worked at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego with child trauma victims and has been an affiliate member of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network for over a decade.  
She has published and presented in multiple venues on DBT, staff burnout, trauma treatment, objective and performance-based personality assessment, and treatment outcomes. 

Behavioral Tech and the Center for Forensic Psychiatry
9700 Fleming Road
Dexter , MI 48130
(810) 623-7320

Knoverek, Angel, PhD, LCPC, ACS

Individual Affiliate - Illinois

Angel Knoverek previously served as Director of Clinical & Residential Services at Chaddock in Quincy, IL. She now serves as faculty in undergraduate, masters, and doctorate programs and owns and operates a private practice and consultation business. Dr. Knoverek remains involved with NCTSN activities, including as a Master Trainer in Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS) and Psychological First Aid (PFA), member of committees and work groups, and collaboration and consultation with numerous organizations providing trauma-informed services and evidence-based treatment to children and adolescents.

Quincy , IL
(217) 440-6247

Kramer-Kuhn, Alison M, PhD

Individual Affiliate - Maryland

Dr. Kramer-Kuhn is a clinical psychologist and previously worked at two NCTSN sites: the Institute for Juvenile Research at the University of Illinois at Chicago (Urban Youth Trauma Center) and the Child Abuse Program at the Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters in Norfolk, VA. She is certified in TF-CBT and trained to fidelity in CFTSI and PSB-CBT School-Aged Model.

Rockville , MD

Kraps, Jacquelyn, PhD

Individual Affiliate - Massachusetts

Dr. Jacquelyn Kraps is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who serves as Assistant Vice President of Massachusetts for Northeast Family Services. She has previously served at Justice Resource Institute and the Cullen Center of Toledo Children's Hospital. She specializes in complex trauma as it impacts families and children with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental differences, infants and very young children, children and teens in foster care, and individuals who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. She is proud to be queer and intersex and to provide affirming support to LGBTQAI+ youth, families, and colleagues. Dr. Kraps is certified in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), and the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT), and she is trained to fidelity in Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP), Attachment, Competency, and Regulation (ARC), and Sensory Motor Arousal Regulation Treatment (SMART), among other evidenced-based practices for the treatment of families with complex emotional and behavioral health needs. Dr. Kraps is a trainer in the CARE Model (Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement) and is in the process of becoming certified as a Within-Agency Trainer in PCIT. She provides presentations on topics such as the neurobiology of the traumatic stress response, crisis de-escalation, trauma and IDD, intersex youth in the child protective system, and non-suicidal self-injury. She serves on the Trauma and Intellectual and Developmental Differences (TIDD) and the Sexual Orientation Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) NCTSN Collaborative Groups. She has previously served on the NCTSN Affiliate Advisory Group and as a CASA/Guardian Ad Litem. Dr. Kraps earned her doctorate at The University of Toledo in 2014.

Northeast Family Services Lawrence , MA
(313) 268-1084

Kristi House

Organizational Affiliate - Florida
Funding Period:
2009-2012, 2012-2016, 2016-2021

Kristi House is the Child Advocacy Center for Miami Dade County. We offer evidence-based trauma therapy to children and adolescents as well as Family Advocacy services. Therapies offered include TF-CBT, RRFT, AF-CBT, and PSB-CBT. Project GOLD is a Drop In Center providing wrap-around services to teenage girls at risk for or who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation. The program offers evidence-based trauma therapy, youth advocacy, career coaching, educational support and advocacy, survivor mentorship, group programming and recreational activities within a home-like setting. Kristi House also provides prevention and education courses to youth and adults in the community on trauma-related topics.

1265 NW 12th Ave
Miami , FL 33136

Kronenberg, Mindy, PhD

Individual Affiliate - Tennessee

Mindy Kronenberg was the former site coordinator for the LSUHSC Early Trauma Treatment Network site and training coordinator of the Louisiana Rural Trauma Services Center. Dr. Kronenberg remains involved in the Zero to Six and Schools Workgroups and is a Child Parent Psychotherapy trainer. She is currently working in Memphis, TN and collaborating with local agencies to increase access to infant mental health and trauma services.

Memphis , TN
(504) 343-5476

La Clínica de La Raza, Inc. Behavioral Health Department

Community Treatment and Services Centers - Category III - California
Funding Period:
2016-2021, 2022-2027

In response to the significant need for trauma treatment services, La Clínica established the Screening, Treatment and Trauma Training in Primary Care (STATT- PC) program in 2016. This program was initiated in order to expand trauma services to youth with unmet mental health needs. Through the project’s successful implementation, La Clínica has already served over 10,000 youth through screenings and evidence-based treatments and impacted hundreds more through teacher and primary care physician trainings on trauma. In this cycle of funding, La Clínica has aimed to expand the program to address the following needs: 1) adaptations to the CBITS model for newcomers, 2) 1:1 tier III trauma interventions to treat high need youth, and 3) flexible group based EBP implementation when working in close partnership with schools. We are also cognizant of the profound lasting psychological impacts of COVID-19 on our students as well as the anti-racism and cultural competency work that needs to be furthered. This cycle's project considers the current realities of our students lives and aims to build a multitiered approach in alignment with La Clínica’s 48-year history of providing culturally competent care.

1450 Fruitvale Avenue
Oakland , CA 94601

La Rabida Chicago Child Trauma Center

Community Treatment and Services Centers - Category III - Illinois
Funding Period:
2005-2009, 2009-2012, 2021-2026

The Chicago Child Trauma Center (CCTC) serves Chicago-area children ages one to 18 exposed to traumatic events including physical and sexual abuse, witnessing violence and complex trauma. The center's mission is to provide expert-level trauma care to children and their families and address social justice issues. Staffed by psychologists, social workers, counselors and case managers, clinicians at the CCTC have specialized training and expertise in trauma assessment and treatment models. The CCTC provides care to traumatized children through case management, advocacy and collaboration with outside providers.

1525 E 55th Street, Suite 203
Chicago , IL 60615
