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What are the Pathways for Using the NCTSN TIOA?

1. Independent Use of the NCTSN TIOA

The NCTSN TIOA (PDF version), and implementation support resources, will be provided to registered users through the NCTSN Learning Center at no cost after completing a User Agreement. Implementation support resources include various materials to assist organizations in successfully implementing the TIOA independently, as well as creating organizational change. The NCCTS TIOA Team offers time-limited, short-term consultation to organizations wishing to administer the TIOA independently when capacity allows. 

2. Working with an NCTSN TIOA Coach

Trained by the NCCTS TIOA Team, TIOA Coaches are contracted by and work directly with organizations to support them in:

  • Administering the TIOA 
  • Interpreting and sharing results 
  • Creating an action plan
  • Implementing trauma-informed practices  
  • Evaluating and sustaining their work.  

See Why Work with an NCTSN TIOA Coach for more information. Access the list of rostered coaches here

3. NCCTS-Led TIOA Cohorts

Participation in an NCCTS-led TIOA Cohort is offered to funded NCTSN Centers and Affiliates at no cost. Participation involves an application process, and organizations that are further along in their readiness to implement trauma-informed practices are prioritized (i.e., identified need, established readiness for change, capacity, and sustainability). Implementation takes place over a 12-15 month period. The NCCTS TIOA Team guides organizations through:

  • Readiness
  • TIOA customization and administration
  • Reporting
  • Action planning
  • Trauma-informed practice implementation
  • Evaluation, and 
  • Sustaining stages  

Much of the communication occurs through monthly TIOA Community of Practice meetings and includes individual consultation calls. The NCCTS TIOA Team supports one new Cohort of 8-12 sites each year. 

Fill out the TIOA interest form to receive NCTSN TIOA cohort updates.

Email to request a consultation.