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What Do Organizations Say About Implementing the NCTSN TIOA?

Child Advocacy Center

“We've seen/heard our partners in the community utilizing the language of the TIOA and we've received feedback from our families and partners that our physical space is welcoming and warm as a result of some of the TI changes we made to our space. We also have new parent partners supporting us in our work which has been amazing and likely would not have been possible w/o our involvement with the TIOA.”

Community Mental Health Agencies

“Be realistic about the timing of this tool because it is an initiative and a process, in addition to being a specific measurement tool. At the same time, don’t underestimate the value of putting TIC front and center for your organization. Your staff will feel seen and heard and when leadership and staff are all a part of the process it can build relationships and embrace vulnerability in the workplace in a positive way.”

“The process of preparing to administer the TIOA significantly improved the implementation team’s awareness of the many trauma-informed care domains. This led to all of us being more mindful in other parts of our jobs about how we could be more trauma-informed.  It really permeated throughout so many other aspects of our work. Then by administering and sharing results with our staff, we increased the discussions about what it means to be a trauma-informed organization.  We were able to see where we were doing well, as well as develop goals for how to improve our trauma-informed practices both with clients and with staff.” 

Social Services Organization

“Our coaches were magnificent. Their energy, content knowledge and coordinated roll out kept us focused, grounded and active. We would highly recommend having a coach or team of coaches. The roles that non-profits play in its beloved communities is integral and often multi-focused and having had the gift of coaches was a huge and critical bonus to our success. The TIOA is a necessary process to move the needle in service work to grow one’s workforce and thriving communities in a meaningful, healthy and safe way.”

Outpatient/Ambulatory Clinic Within Pediatric Hospital System

“The TIOA has allowed us to make immediate updates to our policies and procedures that better align with the principles of trauma-informed care and to implement more long-term changes in our organization’s strategic planning goals. Another benefit of the TIOA has been to recognize ways our team was already implementing trauma-informed care but was not being consistently or formally reflected in our policies. Through this process, we have updated how we collect sensitive personal data about patients (e.g., pronouns, gender identity, preferred names), increased communication with our Family Advisory Council, developed a trauma-informed care training tool to promote consistency in the trainings we offer in the community, brought in external emotional and well-being support for staff members, and updated materials (community resources, book giveaways, etc.) in the clinic to better reflect the needs of the population we serve.”