DoD, VA, State and Community Partnerships to Assist Returning Service Members/Veterans and their...
Presents the coordinated model of care to prepare programs to serve military families.
The following resources on child trauma were developed by the NCTSN. To find a specific topic or resource, enter keywords in the search box, or filter by resource type, trauma type, language, or audience.
Presents the coordinated model of care to prepare programs to serve military families.
Discusses the impact of trauma and the experience of young children in the child welfare system and the signs, symptoms, and consequences of trauma in infants, young children, and their caregivers.
Examines the evolution of post-disaster interventions since 9/11.
Describes how best to prepare our children for emergencies. This webinar discusses how to prepare for events from a community preparedness and resilience standpoint, as well as emergency preparedness within school settings.
Describes poignant moments in the response to the September 11 terrorist attacks. This webinar discusses the impact on first responders' work, the role of the NCTSN, and what has occurred in the last decade for the disaster mental health field.
Describes childhood traumatic grief and introduces the children's book, Ready to Remember: Jeremy's Journey of Hope and Healing.
Describes three family-based models of intervention: FOCUS, Strengthening Family Coping Resources, and Trauma Adapted Family Connections.
Describes the need for an integrated system of care for youth with traumatic stress and substance use disorders.
Discusses the unique characteristics of young children in foster care as they recover from abuse and neglect.
Discusses multi-generational trauma within families and how it presents unique assessment and treatment planning considerations. This webinar offers family- and trauma-informed resources and decision-making strategies to guide assessment and treatment planning.
Offers information to children about how they may be feeling after a tornado and ways to cope with those feelings.
Offers information to teens about how they may be feeling after a tornado and ways to cope with those feelings.