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All NCTSN Resources

The following resources on child trauma were developed by the NCTSN. To find a specific topic or resource, enter keywords in the search box, or filter by resource type, trauma type, language, or audience.

NCTSN Resource

Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) Online

Type: e-Learning Course

Aims to help survivors gain skills to manage distress and cope with post-disaster stress and adversity. This course utilizes skills-building components from mental health treatment that have been found helpful in a variety of post-trauma situations.

NCTSN Resource

Simple Activities for Children and Adolescents

Type: Fact Sheet

Offers activity ideas to parents and caregivers whose families are sheltering in place, evacuating their homes, or social distancing due to any type of disaster or event. 

NCTSN Resource

Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) Field Operations Guide

Type: Special Resource

Gives guidance on responding to disaster, violence, or terrorism events using the Skills for Psychological Recovery intervention. This approach helps to assist children, adolescents, adults, and families in the aftermath of disaster and terrorism.
