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All NCTSN Resources

The following resources on child trauma were developed by the NCTSN. To find a specific topic or resource, enter keywords in the search box, or filter by resource type, trauma type, language, or audience.

Partner-In Resource

El camino a la recuperación: Apoyo para niños con IDD que han sufrido un trauma

Type: Training Curriculum

Ofrece un resumen general para los proveedores sobre cómo asistir a los niños y a sus familias que viven con discapacidades intelectuales y de desarrollo (intellectual and development disabilities, IDD) y han experimentado trauma. El camino a la recuperación: apoyo a los niños con discapacidad

Partner-In Resource

TF-CBT Web in Spanish

Type: Website

Ofrece formación sobre los diversos componentes de la Terapia Cognitiva Conductual Centrada en el Trauma en Español. Este sitio web, desarrollado por los siguientes sitios nctsn: National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center de la Universidad Médica de Carolina del Sur, el Centro de Estrés

Partner-In Resource

Helping Children Cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic

Type: Fact Sheet

Helps parents and caregivers address their children's concerns and worries arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and the disruptions of normal life that we are experiencing.

Partner-In Resource

Suicide, Self-Harm, and LGBTQ Youth: Tips for Therapists

Type: Fact Sheet

Offers tips to therapists who work with LGBTQ youth experiencing self-injury and suicidal ideation. The fact sheet describes challenges that LGBTQ youth face and helpful approaches therapists can take to support the youth they are working with. 
