Acquaintance Rape: Information for Parents and Caregivers
Defines acquaintance rape, discusses the occurrence of acquaintance rape, and offers suggestions to parents on how they can protect their children.
April was first declared as Sexual Assault Awareness Month in 2001. Since then, April has been a time to acknowledge the widespread prevalence of sexual assault nationwide and those who have survived sexual violence. Sexual violence includes a range of actions and behaviors including rape, child sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, and sexual harassment. Sexual violence happens to people of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, religions, abilities, professions, incomes, and ethnicities. In 2015, it was reported from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Children's Bureau that 57,286 cases of child sexual abuse were reported in the United States.
In recognition of this important topic, the NCTSN has compiled a list of resources for children, teens, parents and caregivers, educators, child welfare and juvenile justice professionals, and mental health providers.
A list of external resources related to sexual assault awareness is available here.
Defines acquaintance rape, discusses the occurrence of acquaintance rape, and offers suggestions to parents on how they can protect their children.
Defines and answers commonly-asked questions about child sexual abuse. This fact sheet outlines myths and facts about child sexual abuse and provides tips to help protect children.
Offers information to parents and caregivers about child sexual abuse and coping with the emotional stress of the legal system.
Offers teens information about acquaintance rape. This fact sheet provides information on what acquaintance rape is, how common it is, what date rape drugs are, how to stay safe, and common myths and facts about acquaintance rape.
Brinda a los padres y cuidadores las herramientas necesarias para apoyar a los niños que han sido víctimas de abuso sexual.
Define lo que es el abuso sexual intrafamiliar y los efectos que tiene en el niño y otros miembros de la familia. También, brinda información a los padres para ayudarlos a manejar sus propias reacciones ante el abuso.
Describe las características y las causas de los problemas de comportamiento sexual.
Describe los comportamientos sexuales comunes en la infancia, proporciona información sobre cómo responder a estos comportamientos sexuales, y brinda sugerencias de cómo educar a los niños sobre cuestiones sexuales.
Define y responde las preguntas más frecuentes sobre el abuso sexual infantil. También, describe mitos y realidades sobre el abuso sexual infantil y brinda consejos para ayudar a proteger a los niños.
Define lo que es la violación por una persona conocida, aborda la frecuencia con que ocurre, y ofrece sugerencias a los padres de cómo pueden proteger a sus hijos de esta situación.
Provides parents and professionals with the answers to commonly asked questions about the impact of child sexual abuse.
Offers teens information about acquaintance rape.