Is a conversation with NCTSN members serving unaccompanied immigrant youth and other forms of migration related separation features Susan Lovett, LCSW, and Dorys Lemus, a former unaccompanied child, from the Alliance for Inclusion and Prevention (
Emphasizes the importance of individual and family voices in trauma treatment, and includes the voices of family members who participated in Familias Unidas, an evidence-based program focused on parenting skills.
Currently available on:
Highlights the work of La Clínica de La Raza in Oakland, California. Staff share their experiences working with unaccompanied and immigrant youth.
Comparte cómo tomando en cuenta las consideraciones culturales informa de manera más eficiente al equipo de trabajo al brindar servicios de trauma a jóvenes y familias Latinoamericanas.
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The CASA is a rater-report measure designed to assess child/adolescent status with regard to 30 potential strengths, for use in mental health service planning and delivery.