Highlights what ten things juvenile court judges should know to best meet the needs of traumatized children who come into their system.
Provides information on the importance of follow-up after testifying.
Offers guidance to clinicians called upon to testify as an expert witness for a client’s court case.
Helps mental health professionals preparing for a court hearing.
Accompanies The Courage to Remember video that presents critical core components of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) for children who suffer from childhood traumatic grief.
Presents critical core components for providing Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) to children who suffer from childhood traumatic grief.
Outlines the causes and consequences of child abuse. This video describes how family-focused interventions can help families make a new beginning.
Provides information to policymakers about the impact of natural and technological disasters on children, families, and communities.
Offers a look at how the NCTSN has impacted the children and families it serves. This video includes snippets of Network members talking about being a part of the Network and how it has changed the work they do with children.
Details the results of a nationwide survey of probation officers.