Focuses on addressing secondary traumatic stress experienced by child welfare staff, easing children’s transitions into foster care, and working with parents who have been impacted by trauma.
Is a handout from Psychological First Aid Field Operations Guide (PFA). This handout offers brief tips for relaxation for yourself, your children, and ways to make a game out of it.
Highlights the importance for court-based advocates to understand the serious consequences that trauma histories can have for birth parents and the subsequent potential impact on their parenting.
Provides information for parents and caregivers on intrafamilial sexual abuse.
Offers information on military children who are grieving the loss of a loved one. This tip sheet describes how military children dealing with trauma and grief responses may be feeling and what parents can do to help.
This video is the National Child Traumatic Stress Network's Public Service Announcement.
Describes how school-age children may feel when struggling with the death of someone close and offers tips on what caregivers can do to help.
Offers parents information on helping their families cope with a pandemic flu.
Describes how teens may feel when struggling with the death of someone close and offers tips on what caregivers can do to help.
Offers parents guidance on helping their children after a hurricane. This fact sheet describes common reactions children may have after a hurricane, what to do to help, and self-care tips for parents.