Provides an overview of the issues of child maltreatment and military sexual trauma in military settings.
Allows families to list important telephone numbers and other information that could be useful in the case of an emergency.
Provides a framework for interventions that serve the mental health needs of military children.
Accompanies the Family Preparedness Wallet Card. This guide helps families develop a safety plan so that they may be prepared in the event of disasters.
Interviews COL Rick Campise and Mary “Tib” Campise about the challenges to parenting among military members due to the stress of deployment and prolonged separation.
Details the importance of a trauma assessment when families have experienced a trauma and guides clinicians in the assessment process.
Describes services that are available for military members including evidence-based interventions developed by the NCTSN and ZERO TO THREE.
Accompanies the Family Preparedness Wallet Card.
Define y responde las preguntas más frecuentes sobre el abuso sexual infantil. También, describe mitos y realidades sobre el abuso sexual infantil y brinda consejos para ayudar a proteger a los niños.
Describes the development of the Military Kids Connect website and use of technology to support military children.