Offers parents guidance on helping their children after a mass violence event. This fact sheet describes common reactions children may have, how you can help them, and taking care of yourself after an event.
Is a handout from Psychological First Aid Field Operations Guide (PFA).
Offers information to service providers on how to support teens and young adults who are experiencing homelessness with a trauma history.
Provides information for parents and caregivers about children and teens who have had a loved one die in an earthquake.
Is a handout from Psychological First Aid Field Operations Guide (PFA).
Guides shelter staff in offering support to children and families who are experiencing homelessness and who have experienced trauma.
Provides information for teachers and school personnel about children and teens who have had a loved one die in an earthquake.
Provides parents with common reactions after a disaster, ways to respond to those reactions, and examples of things you can say to your preschool-age child. This is the Japanese version 就学前児童を助けるための親のヒント
Details the importance of a holistic, multidisciplinary, multi-level approach to addressing the needs of youth with complex trauma in residential treatment settings.
Presents the results of a survey conducted among child welfare agencies in a number of states.