Shares how the Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit: 2nd Edition has been implemented in three different states by non-profit organizations, in partnership with their child welfare jurisdictions.
Highlights the content in the Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit: 2nd Edition. This webinar provides information about other resources for those considering using this curriculum within their agencies.
Building Trauma-Informed Systems and Practices for Children and Families in the Child Welfare System
Explains the elements of a trauma-informed child welfare system.
Discusses the impact of trauma and the experience of young children in the child welfare system and the signs, symptoms, and consequences of trauma in infants, young children, and their caregivers.
Provides an overview of current issues, challenges, and emerging practices facing child welfare jurisdictions as it relates to children who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation.
Reports findings from research on crossover youth.
Outlines recommendations for how jurisdictions can understand Family First’s policy requirements for trauma-informed approaches and ensure that implementation of the law meets the trauma-related needs of children, youth and families.
Offers details about using trauma-informed child welfare practice to improve placement stability.
Highlights key points for providers, family advocates, and policymakers to understand about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and child trauma. This resource was adapted from...
Describes promising approaches to implementing trauma-informed child welfare practice to improve placement stability for children in foster care.