Provides parents and caregivers with information about disciplining children.
Tells the story of a 10-year-old boy's experience following the tragic death of his father. Jeremy is having a traumatic reaction and struggling at school and at home.
Summarizes the signs of intoxication, substance use, and abuse commonly reported by substance users.
Offer tips on ways parents can cope with their concerns during their child's hospital stay. This fact sheet assists parents with ways to help their child cope with being in the hospital.
Describes how teens may feel when struggling with the death of someone close and offers tips on what caregivers can do to help.
Provides information for parents and caregivers whose teen might be or is experiencing substance abuse and/or stress from a traumatic event.
Looks at parenting concerns, with the help of scenes from the documentary film Surviving September 11th: The story of One New York Family. The guide and film address a terrorist attack.
Features a first-person narrative illustrating how a family can move through the pain of loss and go on to heal. The family shares their personal experiences of the traumatic grief experienced by one daughter after her sister's sudden death.
Gives a list of resources for parents and caregivers who have children experiencing childhood traumatic grief. This list includes a breakdown of resources by medium type such as books or videos.
Offers support to parents whose children have been affected by domestic violence. This fact sheet series provides education to support their resilience and recovery.