Offers information on integrated care approaches to supporting children and families dealing with traumatic stress and chronic health conditions.
Provides statistics for child abuse and neglect in the United States, outlines how to recognize a variety of injuries suggestive of child physical abuse, and highlights the basic diagnostic evaluation necessary to evaluate a child for physical abu
Describes what comprehensive care for children in the child welfare system looks like.
Lays a groundwork of fundamental knowledge about integrated health care and how it relates to trauma.
Discusses an integrated approach to recognizing and responding to child and family traumatic stress when a child has cancer.
Provides a trauma-informed integrated healthcare model for conceptualizing young children exposed to violence and other traumatic stressors.
Explores the common reasons CSEC youth seek care, as well as challenges to victim identification.
Addresses the importance of understanding the special developmental needs of young traumatized children.
Discusses ways mental health providers can work with pediatric medical providers to ensure traumatized children receive care.
Features a trauma-informed caregiver discussing how to partner with a variety of providers including pediatricians.