Provides staff in child-serving systems with best practices for trauma screening.
Features a trauma-informed caregiver discussing how to partner with a variety of providers including pediatricians.
Lays a groundwork of fundamental knowledge about integrated health care and how it relates to trauma.
Provides information about how traumatic events often generate secondary adversities such as family separations, financial hardship, relocations to a new residence and school, social stigma, ongoing treatment for injuries, physical rehabilitation,
Synthesizes research and clinical knowledge about typical brain development and the high impact that the stress response has on the developing brain.
Provides a glossary of terms for healthcare providers to better understand the concepts within trauma-informed integrated care.
Includes an overview of trauma-informed integrated healthcare by defining what it is (and what it is not), its goals and advantages, as well as benefits and challenges across four different integration models.
Outlines different considerations that primary care providers need to take into account when working with refugee youth and their families.
Helps organizations assess their current practices in the context of serving children and families who have experienced trauma. It is an important part of an organizational transformation process to create trauma-informed organizations.