Offers helpful questions about safety that judges, legal professionals, and court personnel can ask themselves regarding their work and their personal lives.
Offers juvenile justice professionals ways to care for themselves during the pandemic. This fact sheet includes questions to ask when monitoring stress as well as do’s and don’ts for strengthening resilience and caring for yourself and others.
Provides guidance to judges and attorneys on how to recognize trauma and its effects on birth parents. This fact sheet helps judges and attorneys recognize the potential impact of trauma on parenting.
Outlines the impact of trauma on children's development, beliefs, and behaviors.
Defines child traumatic stress. This fact sheet gives an overview of trauma, describes traumatic stress symptoms, and ways children may be impacted.
Is a virtual guide that walks through Making Think Trauma Stick: A Guide to Training and Implementation, developed by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN).
Discusses the need for mental health professionals to work in collaboration with judges to create a trauma-informed program to help young children in the court.
Offers child-serving providers information about child neglect and trauma.
Provides child welfare attorneys with knowledge about trauma, practice tips for incorporating trauma-informed practices into legal representation, and resources to assist in the representation of clients with histories of trauma.
Highlights the importance for court-based advocates to understand the serious consequences that trauma histories can have for birth parents and the subsequent potential impact on their parenting.