Provides staff in child-serving systems with best practices for trauma screening.
Outlines the importance of trauma-informed assessment and intervention in the juvenile justice system.
Outlines the environment of care in juvenile institutions.
Discusses findings from research on crossover youth and how traumatic stress plays a role in the trajectory of crossover youth, as well as implications for policy and practice.
Provides prosecution attorneys with knowledge about a trauma-informed approach to prosecution.
Provides child welfare attorneys with knowledge about trauma, practice tips for incorporating trauma-informed practices into legal representation, and resources to assist in the representation of clients with histories of trauma.
Helps programs who work with justice-involved youth better understand the steps to take to recognize and respond to the trauma-related needs of youth, family members, and staff working in the justice system.
Gives details about the growing number of girls in the juvenile justice.
Offers child-serving providers information about child neglect and trauma.
Details the importance of a holistic, multidisciplinary, multi-level approach to addressing the needs of youth with complex trauma in residential treatment settings.