Offers information on military children who are grieving the loss of a loved one. This tip sheet describes how military children dealing with trauma and grief responses may be feeling and what educators and school staff can do to help.
Accompanies the Children of War video and includes discussion questions, suggestions about ways schools and teachers can help refugee students and families, and provides information on the effects of traumatic stress on school performance
Provides educators and school staff information on the challenges that occur when there is an allegation of educator abuse.
Describes the cultural and family differences in children’s sexual education and knowledge.
Explores the importance of knowing the difference between appropriate and inappropriate school staff behavior with students.
Offers suggestions for educators about what can be done at a school to help a traumatized child.
Proporciona a administradores escolares, maestros, personal de la escuela y padres interesados, información básica sobre el trabajo con niños traumatizados en el sistema escolar.
Describes the psychological and behavioral impact of trauma on elementary school students.
Describes the psychological and behavioral impact of trauma on high school students.
Describes the psychological and behavioral impact of trauma on middle school students.