Helps organizations assess their current practices in the context of serving children and families who have experienced trauma. It is an important part of an organizational transformation process to create trauma-informed organizations.
Offers teachers guidance on helping students after an earthquake. This fact sheet describes common reactions students may have, how teachers and school staff can help them, as well as self-care after an earthquake.
Helps educators and school staff recognize the signs and symptoms of complex trauma and offers recommendations on how to help students heal.
Proporciona a administradores escolares, maestros, personal de la escuela y padres interesados, información básica sobre el trabajo con niños traumatizados en el sistema escolar.
Helps schools assess what level of partnering currently exists within their school community, areas that require enhancement, and strategies for implementing these enhancements.
This brief includes a look at the six essential domains developed and addressed as part of the Collaborative Change Framework...
Is a professional membership organization on a mission to make one big difference, one child at a time.
Helps educators understand how they might address the interplay of race and trauma and its effects on students in the classroom. The guide outlines recommendations for educators and offers a list of supplemental resources.
Provides educators with information about traumatic grief in military children.