Offers teens information about trauma, how it can affect them, and why they might use alcohol or drugs to deal with their experiences.
Gives questions for youth to answer to determine if they have experienced community violence.
Offers survivors of acquaintance rape information on what they can do now.
Offers information about complex trauma, how it can impact youth, both good and harmful coping strategies, and ways to improve.
Provides information to youth about how to talk about medical trauma with others.
Illustrates how a parent can provide solace and support to a child after the death of a loved one.
Offers teens information about the differences between sex and sexual abuse. This fact sheet describes when sex is used as a weapon, including the use of physical force, emotional or psychological force, secrecy about sex, and victim blaming.
Provides information to teens about staying safe while they are online.
Defines key terms, including consent and coercion, and offers guidance to teens related to dating violence and sexual assault.
Provides guidance to youth, parents, caregivers, and others who work with youth about talking to the media after a mass violence event.