Summarizes the characteristics of community resilience and describes the Community Assessment of Resilience Tool (CART) as a mechanism for building community resilience, in addition to other strategies for building community resilience.
Describes the attachment-focused interventions of ITCT-C and ITCT-A. This webinar also discusses their use with children, adolescents, and their families.
Provides a primer on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), beginning with an overview of the theories behind CBT and an introduction to case conceptualization and assessment.
Describes the development of standardized definitions of child abuse and domestic violence across military branches.
Presents information about an online parenting program adapted for the Minnesota National Guard by NCTSN at the University of Minnesota.
Explores the common reasons CSEC youth seek care, as well as challenges to victim identification.
Discusses the special challenges of treating deaf and hard of hearing children, and the hearing children of deaf parents, who have been traumatized.
Explains how trauma, especially repeated interpersonal trauma such as sexual or physical abuse, affects a child's developing brain.
Explores the importance of knowing the difference between appropriate and inappropriate school staff behavior with students.
Focuses on a family that is required to seek therapy after the parents get in a physical altercation while intoxicated.