Focuses on addressing secondary traumatic stress experienced by child welfare staff, easing children’s transitions into foster care, and working with parents who have been impacted by trauma.
Looks at parenting concerns, with the help of scenes from the documentary film Surviving September 11th: The story of One New York Family. The guide and film address a terrorist attack.
Assists agencies in weighing the pros and cons of adopting the TF-CBT treatment model.
Offers information about complex trauma. This fact sheet details the impact of complex trauma, the effects of complex trauma, the long-term health consequences, and the economic impact of complex trauma.
Summarizes the NCSTN's response to the September 11th attacks and includes an introduction to the NCTSN and NCTSN 9/11-related activities.
Provides definitions of child traumatic stress and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and explains how symptoms can overlap, as well as summarizes some of the differences between the two.
Has a list of questions and answers related to the Sharing Power Series. This fact sheet includes information on how to use the Sharing Power resources and questions that may arise.
Provides a short glossary of relevant terms and a chart delineating the continuums of sex, gender, and sexual orientation.
Summarizes findings from a survey done by the NCTSN Refugee Working Group Sites in 2004.
Details child maltreatment in military families.