Features experts in the field of early childhood trauma discussing some of the core considerations when working with this population as they relate to the DSM-5.
Supports NCTSN sites as they disseminate, implement, and sustain evidence-based treatments, promising practices, products, and system changes to organizations that serve children and families who have experienced trauma.
Discusses the Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency (ARC) model, a flexible intervention for children with complex trauma.
Discusses how to recognize the uniqueness of the loss and grief American Indian children and communities experience. This webinar is framed within the context of intergenerational trauma, grief, and loss.
Identifies principles and strategies for effective implementation of trauma-focused, evidence-based practices in school settings.
Addresses trauma screening and assessment for parents and children in the child welfare system, with a focus on how information gained through screening can help inform casework practice, improve family engagement, and guide decision-making regard
Outlines the history of shootings and violence in US schools.
Discusses the complex issues of human trafficking. This webinar offers information on how human trafficking transects with both polyvictimization and complex trauma and how to serve survivors.
Provides an overview of trauma- and substance abuse-focused evidence-based treatments for minority ethnic groups.
Provides a map for increasing trauma therapist's comfort, willingness, and knowledge to initiate and facilitate sexual health conversations that promote LGBTQ youth coming to know the positive potential for their sexual development and health.