Focuses on the implementation of Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma: A Workshop for Resource Parents.
Defines CSEC and the scope of the problem of the commercial sexual exploitation of both girls and young women in the US.
Discusses sexual assault that occurs within the context of ongoing relationships and those that occur in a one-time interaction (e.g., at a party, among casual acquaintances, friends who are not in an ongoing intimate/romantic relationship).
Discusses the impact, as well as historical and societal context, of polyvictimization in urban communities of color.
Discusses strategies to engage Latino clients in Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) treatment.
Examines the effects of polyvictimization on the K-12 school environment, particularly examining risk for truancy, drop-out, and need for special education services.
Provides a foundation for understanding children in disasters. This webinar discusses evaluation and treatment services for traumatized children, school support services, PFA in unusual situations, resilience, and vicarious trauma.
Addresses attachment and its implications for young traumatized children in the child welfare system and discusses the nature of typically developing attachment relationships, as well as the impact of trauma and maltreatment on such relationships.
Discusses the complex trauma adaptations employed by LGBTQ youth and adults who have experienced victimization and polyvictimization.
Gives providers considerations for implementing screening and assessment into their work. This fact sheet offers guidelines to consider when selecting trauma screening or assessment tools to implement in a given system.