Addresses the complex issues and critical needs surrounding young traumatized children in the child welfare system and those who care for them.
Provides an overview of the application and utility of the NIRN Active Implementation Frameworks.
Describes the prevalence and impact of trauma on children in the child welfare system and the rationale for trauma screening and assessment.
Introduces core concepts for enhancing diversity-informed practice. This webinar presents vignettes to highlight how each core concept can be applied to child welfare practice.
Reports findings from research on crossover youth.
Addresses trauma screening and assessment for parents and children in the child welfare system, with a focus on how information gained through screening can help inform casework practice, improve family engagement, and guide decision-making regard
Increases understanding of the impact that parents’ own unresolved trauma can have on their capacity to engage with child welfare personnel, negotiate different aspects of the child welfare system, and safely parent their children.
Discusses findings from research on crossover youth and how traumatic stress plays a role in the trajectory of crossover youth, as well as implications for policy and practice.
Highlights the content in the Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit: 2nd Edition. This webinar provides information about other resources for those considering using this curriculum within their agencies.
Describes how the film Removed gives foster parents a vivid picture of what it must be like for children entering the foster care system.