Addresses providing or referring infants, young children, and their caregivers for trauma-sensitive therapeutic interventions, including Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) and Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC).
Defines the elements of a trauma-informed child welfare system.
Describes the impact of traumatic separation, attachment, and attachment disruption on children and adolescents.
Discusses the unique characteristics of young children in foster care as they recover from abuse and neglect.
Provides an overview of current issues, challenges, and emerging practices facing child welfare jurisdictions as it relates to children who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation.
Discusses overcoming barriers, including the range of clinical experience and training among those administering trauma screening.
Addresses attachment and its implications for young traumatized children in the child welfare system and discusses the nature of typically developing attachment relationships, as well as the impact of trauma and maltreatment on such relationships.
Describes the many transitions experienced by young traumatized children in the child welfare system and the challenges that they pose for young children.
Describes, compares, and contrasts three specific trauma screening and assessment instruments that have been used extensively within child welfare settings.
Provides information for staff in residential treatment centers on how to understand behavior through a trauma lens.