Highlights the importance for court-based advocates to understand the serious consequences that trauma histories can have for birth parents and the subsequent potential impact on their parenting.
Outlines the impact of trauma on children's development, beliefs, and behaviors.
Describes child and adolescent trauma exposure and psychosocial functioning among NCTSN care recipients in residential care.
Outlines practice examples for continuity of care and collaboration across systems, a vital activity for youth involved in multiple service systems.
Provides links and resources for additional information to support the Cops, KIds, and Domestic Violence training video.
Describes the impact of domestic violence on children. This video provides law enforcement officers with concrete information about what they can do when responding to the scene of a domestic violence call.
Helps programs who work with justice-involved youth better understand the steps to take to recognize and respond to the trauma-related needs of youth, family members, and staff working in the justice system.
Details the importance of a holistic, multidisciplinary, multi-level approach to addressing the needs of youth with complex trauma in residential treatment settings.
Delineates the path from complex trauma exposure to involvement in the juvenile justice system.
Describes the utility of screening and assessment for trauma in juvenile justice settings.