Discusses how child-serving systems can improve their response to the needs of youth that cross over from child welfare to juvenile justice.
Provides an overview of juvenile court evaluation procedures. This webinar highlights how PTSD and risk assessments are utilized within these evaluations and discusses ways to improve their use.
Gives an overview of current issues and challenges for law enforcement and the juvenile justice system in assisting children and adolescents who face commercial sexual exploitation.
Reports findings from research on crossover youth.
Outlines the need for trauma-informed screening in juvenile justice settings.
Provides an overview of the effects of polyvictimization on youth involved in the juvenile justice system.
Describes the Child Development Community Policy Program.
Discusses findings from research on crossover youth and how traumatic stress plays a role in the trajectory of crossover youth, as well as implications for policy and practice.
Presents techniques to use when interviewing children who may have been physically or sexually abused.
Describes the purpose and design of the TARGET model of trauma-focused treatment.