Discusses the effects physical abuse, neglect, and domestic violence have on young children.
Describes a newly developed, web-based platform to conduct screening in juvenile justice settings. This webinar highlights recent findings regarding the utilization of the web-based tool.
Discusses the need for mental health professionals to work in collaboration with judges to create a trauma-informed program to help young children in the court.
Provides information for staff in residential treatment centers on how to understand behavior through a trauma lens.
Discusses the importance of quality supervision that organizations can provide to staff members at risk for secondary traumatic stress (STS).
Provides juvenile defense attorneys with knowledge about trauma, the definition of trauma-informed legal advocacy, the impact of trauma exposure on child development, and effects of trauma on the attorney-client relationship.
Introduces key factors that juvenile court judges should consider in order to take a trauma-informed approach when newcomer immigrant youth come before them in juvenile justice cases.
Provides a juvenile justice system with a framework to examine, review, and rate day-to-day operations with a set of benchmarks to evaluate to what extent court operations reflect the content, process, and systems-level procedures reflected in eac
Provides judges with information they need to know about newcomer immigrant youth and trauma. This bench card offers useful questions and guidelines to help make decisions based on the specific needs of newcomer immigrant youth.
Explores ways a juvenile justice professional can improve the impact of their work through family partnering, why family partnership is critical to trauma-informed care, and how partnership can improve a juvenile justice professional’s effectivene