Identifies principles and strategies for effective implementation of trauma-focused, evidence-based practices in school settings.
Presents a process for threat assessment and management in an educational setting.
Outlines the history of shootings and violence in US schools.
Explores the importance of knowing the difference between appropriate and inappropriate school staff behavior with students.
Focuses on childhood grief in the school setting.
Describes risk factors for and signs of secondary traumatic stress in educators, as well as techniques for prevention and self-care.
Discusses trauma-informed assessment in schools, differential diagnosis, and trauma-informed IEPs (Individualized Education Plans).
Describes how best to prepare our children for emergencies. This webinar discusses how to prepare for events from a community preparedness and resilience standpoint, as well as emergency preparedness within school settings.
Focuses on understanding the intersection between cyberbullying and trauma.
Provides information on the prevalence and impact of trauma as a lens through which to deepen our understanding of bullying.